ARNOLD 2 escribió:hasta las elecciones recibo asilo político y facilito logística gratuita ...
después hay que discutir honorarios (aumentara mucho la demanda ...ahora estoy con 5 x semana , estimo 100/200 /1000 para después de las elecciones )...
ME parece que está mucho menos tentadora la CANADÁ REAL, que la de Arnold.
The Barclays analysts attempt to find out which nations afflicted by Dutch Disease will shake it off and regain strength in non-commodity segments the fastest.
But first, Barclays has to prove that these economies actually suffered from “Netherlands Nausea,” as Bank of Montreal Chief Economist Doug Porter once quipped.
It’s not enough for manufacturing to have declined, as this development was commonplace throughout advanced economies. Statistical analyses performed by Barclays indicate that not only did the manufacturing sectors in Australia, Canada, Norway, and New Zealand fare worse than those of their developed peers during this period, but there are also causal links among the rise in commodity prices, exchange rate appreciation, and poor performance of manufacturing from 2000 to 2012.
According to Barclays’s team, Canada’s manufacturing sector is the most adversely affected by the appreciation of the currency out to five years, followed by New Zealand, Australia, and a relatively unscathed Norway: